Anything starts from the goal.
For instance, you are hungry. Your goal is to become fed. Further, you will do some actions to reach your goal. You will go to a café and order a meal or, maybe, you will go to the store and buy some food to prepare at home. This is a very clear goal and most of us know exactly what we should do to reach this goal. But goals aren’t necessarily so clear. Goals could potentially be more or less clear.
Let’s look at another example. You don’t like your job and you want to get a new job. At the first moment, you maybe do not know what job you exactly want. You will spend some time to figure out what kind of job you want. Anyway, in this example, you know only the basic characteristic of the goal “I want a new job”. You do not know how exactly your job looks or at least you do not fully understand this goal. The goal is a little bit blurred and the path to the goal is unclear. You need some time to make the goal clearer and to figure out a path to the goal.
The worst case is when a goal is unclear and a path is unclear. The classic example here is “I want to change something” or “Something is wrong in my life”. Here is a goal and a path hidden in the mist of variants, in the fog of the future. We cannot definitely see those goals and this is a very uncomfortable situation for our mind. But anyway, there is a goal and it has a path or paths.
The situations above, of course, do not describe all types of goals and paths. Life is very complex and there are thousands of goal types, combinations of paths, and chains of sub-goals. It is more like a gradient with endless variations, rather than 0-1 behavior.
The main idea here is that to start making any changes you need a goal. Clear, blurred, or completely unclear, it doesn’t matter. Without goals only random movement, or fluctuation exists. That brings us to the title of this post. What is the goal?
Luckily, the goal is clear to me. I want to find my limits and push myself beyond those limits. I want to be as smart as possible and as efficient as possible. Also I want to build some kind of personality that allows me to do exactly what I should do to reach my goals in a smart(or smartest) way. As I said in the description of this blog, this will be a story of a path to master myself. And I hope I will be able to manage it and I hope that someone will find thoughts here useful for their own path.
So, I have the clear goal and a completely unclear path. This is not the best case, but at least not the worst, huh?